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Updated on: 08/12/2023

The organisation of the studies at the university

At the university, the studies are organized according to the “LMD scheme” [1] :
 Licence ( undergraduate degree) corresponds to three years after the baccalaurerate (bac+3),
 Master corresponds to a bac+5,
 Doctorate corresponds to a bac +8.

To access directly the training offer at the ULHN, click here.

To graduate, you must validate your teaching units at the end of each semester to receive your ECTS [2].
 One semester is equivalent to 30 ECTS
 One credit corresponds to about 10 hours of classes.

The courses available are organised in different faculties, called teaching units. The ULHN has five teaching units :
 The Faculty of International Affairs
 The Teaching and Research Unit of Sciences and Technology,
 The Teaching and Research Unit of Arts and Humanities
 The University Institute of Technology (DUT [3] and professional undergraduate degrees).
 The Higher Institute of Logistic (ISEL), an Engineering School specialised in logistics and mechanical engineering.

Admission in an undergraduate course

If you consider higher education at the ULHN, you can choose from a large range. Go to the course offer section and browse through the list of the different courses descriptions by using the different available criterias : training areas, units, level of studies and type of diploma, key words.

If you are a graduate and you want to start a postgraduate programme at Université Le Havre Normandie, you can join the first year of a Master’s degree (M1) or the second year (M2). If you completed your Master’s degree, you can pursue a Doctorate.

 For admission in the first year of Master (M1), the applications are evaluated by a selection committee which meets in June.

 For admission in the second year of Master (M2) and Doctorate, The Professor in charge of the training or the director of the Research laboratory (for the doctorate) supervises the decision of admission. You must make an appointment with him / her to defend your Research project. If you can’t come to the University, write him/her a letter. To know his/her name as well as the list of courses available, contact the SUIO, the university department for integration and orientation.

To know the different Master’s programmes in this university, go to the course offer section and browse through the list of the courses descriptions by using the different available criterias: training areas, units, level of studies and type of diploma, key words.

To know the Research specialisation and the scientific laboratories of Université Le Havre Normandie, go to the “Research” section.

You can find more documents to help you in the “documents” section of this page :

 how to read the programmes
 organisation of the cycle LMD ( undergraduate-postgraduate-doctorate)
 the different options after an undergraduate degree
 the different options after a Technology University degree

After the baccalaureate, you can choose :
 a Preparatory class for an engineering school
 undergraduate degrees
 Technology University degree
 University Diploma

After a two year degree, you can choose :
 an engineering diploma
 a professional degree
 an undergraduate degree
 a Technology University Degree in one year(instead of two)

After an undergraduate, you can choose :
 an engineering diploma
 a Master’s degree
 a professional degree
 other diplomas

University diplomas :
 DU Languages
 DU Continuing education
 other DU

If you don’t have your baccalaureate, the University offers the possibility to prepare an equivalent :
 DAEU A which “corresponds to the baccalaureate, literature or sciences” (SFC)
You can either prepare it at the university or with a distance learning training CNED as part of consortium PEGASUS DAEU.

[1] Licence-Master-Doctorate

[2] European Credits Transfer System

[3] Technology University Degree