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Ressources for student life
Updated on: 08/12/2023
A team of student tutors
Student tutors, staff of the International Office and of the Student Life department inform international students who have come to study at the university individually or as part of an exchange program.
A personalised welcome is dedicated to exchange students : student tutors come and pick them up at the train station and support them in doing administrative formalities (housing, insurance, banking, etc.).
Administrative formalities
Before applying for a visa, you must follow the online Campus France procedure : on “Etudes en France”
Just create a private electronic file and follow the instructions.
If you are an exchange student, please make sure you check the “étudiant en échange” box so we can see and accept your application on “Etudes en France » platform.
You will find the necessary information to guide you with your administrative procedure of your visa obtention on the official website for French visas :
Healthcare / handicap
The Social Health Insurance : If you come from a country that is not part of the European Union, you must imperatively register on this website : so you will be associated with French general scheme of social security. This procedure is free and compulsory. It will have to be done immediately after the administrative registration at the ULHN.
For more information you can visit this website:
Complementary Insurance Plans : As this social security system only reimburses up to 70% of medical fees, students are strongly advised to take a complementary health insurance for the duration of their stay, either in their own country or in France (this complementary health insurance is named mutuelle in French).
The university library
The ULHN has two libraries. One on Lebon site (main site in the city centre), the other on Caucriauville site (IUT), in the upper town of the city. These two libraries are an important asset for all students and will contribute to a successful study period in Le Havre. Once you are enrolled at the university, you will have access to all services offered in our libraries: borrow documents (books, magazines, DVDs, etc.), consult digital documents (magazines, books, data bases), use the internet (networked PCs or Wi-Fi connection), borrow laptops, participate in literature search workshops, etc.
Central University Library (Lebon site)
The central university library opened in 2006 and offers a unique and comfortable working environment. It offers :
- Around 900 reading seats on 4 floors
- Around 100 computer workplaces with access to all digital working resources
- A news room where you can read the national and international press
- Several group study rooms
The CROUS residences : CROUS is the institution that runs student residences. The International Office has been cooperating with the CROUS as well as several private housing associations for many years. As ofter as possible, the International Office pre-books a room in a student’s hall of residence for all exchange students.
AHLOET (Association Havraise pour le Logement Etudiant) : AHLOET is an association in Le Havre which lists furnished and unfurnished flats, rooms and shared flats offered by private individuals for students of the member institutions. On AHLOET’s website, you can find a student housing guide for more information:
VISALE : guarantee certificate. When you have obtained your study visa, you will have to go to: in order to have a free guarantee for the accommodation (formality to do before arrival in Le Havre – it is necessary to have the keys of your accommodation).
House insurance : In France, you must subscribe to a house insurance to rent housing. You will have to take a house insurance as soon as you arrive in Le Havre.
Housing benefit : If you stay at the same apartment for more than three months, you can apply for the French housing benefit Allocation de logement à caractère social (ALS), or Aide personnalisée au logement (APL). The amount of money you will be allocated depends on your rent, the type of accommodation and your personal resources. You need to have your residence permit before you can apply for housing benefit. You can do a simulation on CAF’s website:
Integration programs
The City of Le Havre has been organising at the beginning of October the Campus Day – since 2011, this event aims to welcome and bring together all the students in Le Havre through sports courses or fun workshops.
Welcome Night – it takes place every year around September/October. Launched in 2012 by the FED’LH and its associations, its musical style has evolved to offer each time different atmospheres and a unifying event for more than 2000 students.