Research since the 1990s, has witnessed not only the relaunch and expansion of the European constructions (Maastricht 1991, enlargements of 1995, 2004, 2007, 2013) as well as its hesitations (Brexit 2016+) but also a number of Asian and Eurasian successful initiatives : the Shanghai process (1996 as a Group, 2001 as an Organisation of 6 members, recently enlarged to 8), the
Eurasian process (Customs union, Economic Community, today Eurasian Economic Union with 5 members), and a number of other initiatives, among which the CICA, the Silk road One-Belt-One-Road, not to mention security
organisations such as the CSTO and also cooperative associations (ASEAN, SAARC, …). These have added to the landscape formed already by the NATO, the EU, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, etc.
Such a « proliferation » of regional (and almost pan-regional) frameworks for cooperation should create a strong incentive to facilitate « exchanges » across borders.
Regional construction tends to modify the nature of borders, from absolute sovereign lines of division to logistical transport passage-points, controlled but open, sensitive but necessary.
The Conference will diversify the approach of CROSS-BORDER EXCHANGES : Eurasian perspectives into the four sub-sessions detailed in the preliminary programme, focusing on 1) political, 2) economic, 3) cultural and 4) security issues.