AccueilSéminaire – An Optimal Control for A Transmission Model of Bilharzia

Séminaire – An Optimal Control for A Transmission Model of Bilharzia

Date : le Jeudi 14 novembre 2019

Lieu : Université Le Havre Normandie, UFR Sciences et Techniques, Salle G001

Mis à jour le : 05/12/2023


A l’initiative du LMAH, Léna Tendeng, UCAD, Dakar, Sénégal, interviendra le 14 novembre prochain pour un séminaire centré sur la transmission de la bilharziose.

Résumé :
Bilharzia or schistosomiasis is one of the most widespread human parasitic infections. In term of socioeconomic and public health impact, bilharzia is second only to malaria as the most devastating parasitic desease in tropical countries. In this work, we consider a non linear system of Bilharzia transmission. We prove local controllability at the equilibrium points and find an optimal con- trol by maximum principle of Pontryagin. We study the global controllability and test the controlled system by numerical simulations. Key-words: bilharzia, local controllability, global controllability, non linear system, Pontryagin maximum principle.

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