If you want to participate in an exchange program in France but your level of French is insufficient, this program is 100% taught in English. Si vous voulez faire un programme d’échange en France et que votre niveau de français est insuffisant, ce programme est enseigné à 100% en anglais. If you would like to…
If you want to participate in an exchange program in France but your level of French is insufficient, this program is 100% taught in English.
Si vous voulez faire un programme d’échange en France et que votre niveau de français est insuffisant, ce programme est enseigné à 100% en anglais.
If you would like to specialise in Renewable Energy, this program is 100% oriented towards Renewable Energy.
Si vous voulez vous spécialiser dans les énergies renouvelables, ce programme est dédié à 100% aux énergies renouvelables.
The following web pages will give you a general overview of this 2nd Year Master of Renewable Energy & Civil Engineering.
Les pages web suivantes vous donneront une vision globale de cette 2ème année de Master Énergie Renouvelable & Génie Civil.
Grégory Pinon: website
Phone: (+33) 2 35 21 71 23
Email: secretary_rec_eng (at) univ-lehavre.fr
1 – Foreword
This 2nd year of our master’s degree aims at delivering an educational programme, about Renewable Energy & Civil Engineering. The course will be taught in English at the University of Le Havre France.
The University of Le Havre has developed this ambitious programme in order to offer Engineering-Sciences students (in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, etc.) opportunities to work in the growing sector of Renewable Energy in Europe and worldwide. Participants in the program will have the opportunity to explore a variety of forms and uses of Renewable Energy sources and to gain specialised knowledge through a placement in industry ( an in-company internship) or in a research unit. The language of tuition will be English for several reasons:
– English is by far the most commonly used language in the field of Renewable Energies. In addition, the knowledge of different languages (including English) is a valuable skill to find an interesting position in the industry and even in research;
– A programme taught in English will enable our faculty to receive students from partner universities in non-Anglophone countries in Europe and outside Europe (North and South America, India, China, Africa, etc.).
The programme, based on existing local experience and knowledge in Renewable Energy, will be taught by professors from the University of Le Havre and experts from industry, but also by professors from other universities, mostly from European universities. The aim is to bring international diversity in the programme. The programme will meet the best European standards. It is organised in two semesters : Fall Semester for lectures and practical sessions and Spring Semester completely dedicated to work experience (4 to 6-months internship).
During the Fall semester, Renewable Energy technologies will be studied with a comprehensive approach, without focusing on specific disciplines (Wind, Solar, Biomass or Marine Energy, etc.). However, the implementation of these technologies will be studied in detail: construction of onshore/offshore wind farms including civil engineering, installation of solar panels on buildings, construction of biogas factory, etc.
If a student wishes to focus on a specific discipline, Wind energy for instance, when choosing the content of his internship in the Spring Semester, he willbe able to do so.
In a nutshell, we hope to offer an interesting programme to interested students…
2 – Academic details
This second year Master programme will be divided into two semesters: Fall Semester and Spring Semester each consisting of approximately 14 weeks. The Fall Semester will be made up of the lectures and practical sessions. The Spring semester will consist of an internship of minimum 4 months to maximum 6 months.
Fall semester
Due to the special structure of the programme, and to the fact that parts of the programme will be taught by visiting professors from abroad, some modules will be taught as block courses. Block courses will be taught over a period of one or two weeks. Regular courses and courses taught by video conference will be delivered on a weekly basis throughout the semester.
Language modules, including French as a Foreign Language, will be held on a regular basis throughout the semester, 2 hours a week.
The students, who successfully completed the requirements for the Fall semester, will obtain 30 ECTS credits.
Topics – Fall Semester |
Contact hours |
Personal work |
Details |
Wind Energy |
6 |
60 h |
180 h |
details |
Marine energy |
6 |
60 h |
180 h |
details |
Solar and earth energy |
6 |
60 h |
180 h |
details |
Civil Engineering |
6 |
60 h |
180 h |
details |
Humanities and electrotechnics |
6 |
48 h |
144 h |
details |
Spring semester
The Spring semester will consist solely of a 4 to 6-months internship with a defence in front of a jury at the University of Le Havre (during the first week of July or the third week of September), or by video conference, if necessary. This internship period may be done in industry, government services or in Research (Academic or Research and Development in a company). This internship can be done in France, Europe or all over the world. The only requirement being that students must make a presentation of their internship in front of a jury in Le Havre during the second or third week of September. A video-conference could eventually be organised if necessary (internship outter of Europe).
Upon successful completion of the internship the student will obtain 30 ECTS credits.
Topics – Spring Semester |
Duration |
Details |
internship |
30 |
4 to 6 months |
details |
3 – Courses and credits details
The different modules are the following : Wind Energy, Marine Energy, Solar & Earth Energy and Energy Converters & Grid Integration, plus the mandatory modules in Humanities (Language, Legal Aspects, Project Management, Global Warming, Energy Savings, World Energy Situation and Geopolitical Aspects …).
The table below describes the breakdown in terms of credits and hours of work:
Courses and credits details
Wind Energy – 6 ECTS
Modules |
Professor and Affiliation |
Coef |
Contact hours |
Personal work |
Mechanical design & aerodynamics |
Marc Rapin, Dr. Ing. in Wind turbine applications, Energie Normandie |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Blade design & composite materials |
Tariq Ouahbi, Dr. in Composite Materials, Univ. Le Havre |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Project management for the creation of wind farms |
Pierre-Alexandre Abeel and Madelaine Fauchier, Project Manager, EDPR (Energias do Portugal Renovais) |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Numerical aspects related to wind turbines |
Grégory Pinon, Dr. Ing. in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Univ. Le Havre |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Project of wind energy |
Baptiste Abolin, Cartography/Geographic Information Systems Specialist, EDPR (Energias do Portugal Renovais) |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Marine Energy – 6 ECTS
Modules |
Professor and Affiliation |
Coef |
Contact hours |
Personal work |
Marine renewable energy (Wave, Current and Tidal) |
Grégory Pinon and Gaële Perret, Univ. Le Havre |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Offshore wind energy |
Nicolas Mauger, Ing. and Project Manager, WPD Offshore |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Offshore structures |
Didier Lemosse, Dr. Ing. in Reliability and optimisation of mechanical structures, INSA Rouen |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Environmental impact of marine renewable energy |
Dominique Mouazé, Dr. in hydrodynamics and sediment transport, Univ. Caen |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Project of marine energy |
Myriam Slama, Dr. Ing. in Fluid Dynamics, Univ. Le Havre |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Solar and earth energy – 6 ECTS
Modules |
Professor and Affiliation |
Coef |
Contact hours |
Personal work |
Photovoltaic solar energy |
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kuhnke, Professur in Physics, Hochschule Osnabrueck, Germany |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Thermal solar energy |
Prof. Dr. Jan Mugele, Professur für regenerative Gebäudeenergietechnik, Hochschule Magdeburg, Germany |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Geothermal energy and positive energy buildings |
Anne Pantet, Prof. in Civil engineering and geo sciences, Univ. Le Havre |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Biomass and waste energy |
Prof. Salwan Dihrab, Prof. in Biomass energy, VIAUC, Horsens, Denmark |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Projects of solar and earth energy |
Brice Canaud, LH Hangar Zéro |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Civil engineering – 6 ECTS
Modules |
Professor and Affiliation |
Coef |
Contact hours |
Personal work |
Civil engineering : generalities and costing |
Camille Lara, Engie |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Onshore foundation for renewable energy |
Jean-Marc Kanema, Dr. in Civil engineering, Univ. Le Havre |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Offshore foundation for renewable energy |
Christophe Peyrard, Ing. in mechanical and fluid mechanics, EDF-R&D |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Management of civil works for renewable energy projects |
Danko Mandic, Ing. in Civil engineering, Elys Energy and Patrick Bertin |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Project of civil engineering |
Saber Imanzadeh, Dr. in Civil engineering and geotechnics, Univ. Le Havre |
0,2 |
12h |
36h |
Humanities and electrotechnics – 6 ECTS
Modules |
Professor and Affiliation |
Contact hours |
Personal work |
Fundamentals of electrotechnics and energy converters |
Yacine Amara, Dr. in electrotechnics, Univ. Le Havre |
0,25 |
12h |
36h |
Grid integration, intermittency and energy storage |
Bryima Dakyo, Prof. in Electrotechnics, Univ. Le Havre |
0,25 |
12h |
36h |
Energy savings and legal aspects, project management |
, Project developper, |
0,25 |
12h |
36h |
Global warming, world energy situation and geopolitical aspects |
Grégory Pinon, Person in charge of the Master Program, Univ. Le Havre |
0,25 |
12h |
36h |
Modules |
Professor and Affiliation |
Coef |
Contact hours |
Personal work |
Language or French as foreign Language |
Mickaël Hauchecorne, Prof. in English and french as a foreign language, Univ. Le Havre |
bonus |
20h |
20h |
Delivery mechanisms
This second year Master programme in Renewable Energy & Civil Engineering will use standard lectures and tutorials (Practical Sessions, Projects, etc.) to deliver the courses.
In general, each module will follow the same format. During lectures (10 hours/module), the particular renewable energy resource will be first discussed, then the details of the technologies to harvest that resource, and finally how the technologies are built and integrated into systems for the practical exploitation of Renewable Energy. This part of the module will be assessed by a Final Examination (FE).
Then, for each module, a project will be carried out in groups of 2 to 4 students on the concerned renewable energy for quasi real configuration. This project will require approximately 30 hours of personal work and, as much as possible, in close collaboration with industry or R&D professionals. This PRoject (PR) will have an important role in the Total Evaluation (TE) of the module, either TE = 66% FE+33% PR or TE = 50% FE + 50% PR.
4 – Language and entry requirement
As it is an international programme, courses will be taught in English. Lectures, documentation, papers, bibliographical references will be in English for the most part.
However, the learning of a second or/and third language will be highly recommended:
– For native speakers of English the French as a Foreign Language delivered in the Fall Semester is mandatory English (classes at beginner and advanced level will be provided),
– Students whose mother tongue is other than English (including French), as it is supposed that their level of English is sufficient to enter and follow this programme, will have lessons in a third foreign language [[Other foreign language learning (except French and English) is possible thanks to the 17 languages taught in Le Havre University foreign language centre (ILCO).]]
Entry requirements and projected student enrolment figures
The entry requirement is a BSc Honours, BEng Honours, MEng or a 1st year Master Degree (in the Bologna educational system) in Technology, Engineering or Science [[Engineering and Technology disciplines are Mechanical, Civil Engineering and similar. Science disciplines are restricted to Physics, Applied Physics, Mechanics and similar.]]
Concerning the potential student enrolment, we intend to receive for the following years :
Students’ Origin
French students |
INSA Students |
Internationals |
GU8 |
Industrial reorientation |
Total |
3-5 |
2-3 |
4-6 |
2-3 |
2-3 |
13-20 |
As much as possible, we will try to maintain a female/male balance and we will try to tend to 50% foreign students / 50% French students.
5 – Application form
For non EU-citizen:
The deadline for application is: depending on Campus France
Students from countries outside the European Union need a visa. If you want to apply for the master degree from abroad, you have to go to a Campus France office in order to make combined application form and visa procedure.
Letter to the Campus France Officer
Please, print this letter and give it to your Campus France Officer to guide her/him through the Campus France application.
Details can be found on the Campus France website: www.name_of_country.campusfrance.org (ex. www.brasil.campusfrance.org )
For EU-citizen (French included):
The deadline for application is: see website
European Union citizens are exempted from visa requirements.
The application procedure can be found here:
Application platform
For students in Exchange Program: ERASMUS, CREPUQ, SGroup, ISEP
The deadline for application depends on the exchange program but the sooner the better.
Please contact the International Office of your home University in order to start the exchange procedure. The International Office of Le Havre University can be contacted at the e-mail address :
sri (at) univ-lehavre.fr
6 – Pratical information
Tuition fees :
Students in exchange programmes (ERASMUS, ISEP, CREPUQ, SGroup, GU8), when an agreement has been signed with the University of Le Havre, pay their tuition fees in their home university. Exchange students won’t be charged tuition fees by the University of Le Havre.
Independent students will have to pay the regular tuition fee for a 2nd Year master in the University of Le Havre ( 243 euros + 91 euros for CVEC in 2019/2020).
For students from countries outside the European Union, the university of Le Havre applies exoneration. The same amount for tuition fees will be asked for all EU and Non-EU students.
Scholarship :
The University of Le Havre cannot deliver Scholarships. The is no such mechanism. However, the tuition fees are very low compared to other master degrees. Please consider this aspect too.
General information on scholarships –
General information on scholarship –
CampusBourses : grant search engine
Accommodation and subsistence :
Students will pay their own accommodation and living expenses (Except for ISEP students).
For further information (bilingual website) about accommodation, how to find lodgings, etc. in Le Havre and other useful information :
Lodging –
University of Le Havre
Additional details concerning lodging:
Service des relations internationales
Lodging –
City of Le Havre
Lodging –
CROUS (Le Havre)
Lodging –
AHLOET Association
Short term lodging, to let you time find a better option
Short term lodging (for 1 or 2 weeks) –
Le gite de la porte oceane
Whenever possible, the University of Le Havre will prebook on-campus accommodation for exchange students. Booking forms will be sent to the students as soon as their application is accepted.
Contact :
sri (at) univ-lehavre.fr
Video describing the University of Le Havre –
Streaming version
Video describing the university of Le Havre –
WebTV version / mp4
City of Le Havre
City of Le Havre
For graduated students: to obtain your diploma
If you are a former graduated student and you wish to obtain your diploma, please refer to the “scolarité centrale” and see the following link:
To obtain your diploma
7 – Important dates and time table
Important dates
2019, Oct./Nov. – Internal application deadline for 2020/2021
Eiffel grants.
New applications for 2020/2021:
2020, March the 1st – All application plateform are now OPEN: eCandidature and Campus France!!
2020, approx. April/March – For student from the European Union for 2020/2021:
eCandidature application – see deadline on website.
2020, approx. May/June – For other international students for 2020/2021
Campus France / Etude en France application. May vary depending on the considered countries of origin. More information on the
2020, Sept. the 7th (To be confirmed) – At 14:00 Starting Meeting for New Students – Academic year 2020/2021: Location University of Le Havre, Science and Technology Building, 25 rue P. Lebon, 76600 Le Havre – See the time table below for more information.
2020, approx 2nd or 3rd week of Sept. – Internship oral presentation for 2019/2020 students
Time table
Documents joints